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Memoir Writing Must-Asks!

July 8, 2024

Are you forgetting these central questions when drafting memoirs and biographies?

Every writing form has its merits, but memoir writing is unlike any other: it provides a remarkably thorough glimpse into the true viewpoint and experience of its subject. With any form of writing, whether fiction, history, copy, legal documentation, or anything else, good authors pursue a defined goal: whether it be to create an intriguing story, design eye-catching social media posts, or develop an air-tight contract. The goals of a memoir writer can vary by author and subject; however, a good memoir should aim to expose the reality of the subject’s life.

Remember, a good memoir should expose the reality of the subject’s life: the ups and downs, successes and failures, good and bad moments. Don’t skimp on info because you don’t like it - tell the whole story to get to the root of who the subject is!

To dive deep into the life of a subject and produce a top-notch memoir, a writer should consider the following:

  1. What made the subject become who they did? This could be major life events, things that were said or done to the subject, or things that the subject said or did to someone else.

  2. What were the subject’s wins and losses, and how did the subject feel or react to those wins and losses?

  3. What were the subject’s turning points? What happened that shifted their perspective or their life path?

  4. What notable things did the subject say or do in each major stage of their life (childhood, college/young adult age, marriage, career, middle age, etc.)? Can you, the writer, exemplify to readers why the subject did these things?

  5. What individuals were the most impactful in the subject’s development? Who were these individuals and what did they say/do that changed the subject?

  6. Did the subject fall in love? What are the important moments of their love story and how did their relationship(s) impact who they became? Did they have children?

  7. What does the subject consider to be his or her biggest accomplishment? Why?

  8. What made the subject turn out “good” or “bad” according to society? Does the subject recognize themself as “good” or “bad”? Why or why not?

  9. What is the overarching lesson learned from the subject’s life that should be evident through the memoir? What are some little lessons that should appear in the memoir along the way?

I hope these overarching questions help you in your memoir writing journey! 😊

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