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The 3 Most Costly Mistakes Start-Up CEOs & Entrepreneurs Make Online... 🤔

Through my unending marketing research in pursuit of becoming a better ghostwriter for start-up CEOs, entrepreneurs, and industry thought leaders, I've formed a conglomerate of useful tips & tricks to aid in marketing for these groups! Today, I want to chat about three simple things that completely change the career trajectory of these professionals.

It's shocking how much exposure, outreach, and/or sales CEOs and entrepreneurs miss out on by neglecting these three simple techniques, all of which can be accomplished by some good writing!

Without further ado, here’s my list of things CEOs and entrepreneurs should do online to grow their outreach and increase sales:

  1. Have an email opt-in for a beneficial, consistent newsletter: Remember, the clients perusing your website and buying from you are very likely to buy from you again! A surefire way to lose out on future sales is by neglecting an email opt-in to remind people of your work, share your newest tips & tricks (or why they need your newest products/services), and keep your business high on their radar. It’s also true that a potential client may not be ready to work with you/buy from you today, but they may want to stay connected to your business (leading to possible future purchases, such as when the product/service becomes necessary for the client, when you offer sales/bundles that they can’t refuse, or when the client has the budget for your product/service). Let potential clients opt-in to receive updates from you! Provide a consistent newsletter, but be careful not to send so many emails that you annoy them to the point of unsubscribing. 😊

  2. Produce insightful thought leadership articles for your portfolio, website, and LinkedIn - or to send for traditional publication: It’s really difficult to get potential clients to believe in your skills/expertise if you don’t prove that you have them. This is especially hard if you serve professionals/thought leaders in a particular informational sector who are themselves experts in the field. Your clients know that they can count on you if (1) you prove that you know what you’re talking about and (2) you bring valuable, fresh ideas to the table. Whether you add insightful articles to your portfolio, website, and social media accounts, or you send them off for traditional publication, add something valuable to your area of expertise to convince potential clients that you are knowledgeable and respectable in your field.

  3. Use an email campaign with text and video elements: Convince your social media followers or website viewers to opt-in for a quick email campaign of just 3-5 days. This CTA (call to action) should involve some type of reward that encourages potential clients to want to sign up for your campaign, whether that’s an informational benefit, a free digital copy of your book, a discount on your products/services, etc. The main goal of your short email campaign is to provide problem recognization and a solution for your potential clients. This means that you should aim to address an issue that your ideal client is facing and provide a helpful solution - a solution which, at the end of the email campaign, they’ll be convinced that you’re good at providing. 

If you’re a CEO, entrepreneur, or thought leader/public speaker, you’ll benefit from making these three written additions to your website/digital outreach plan. You’re costing yourself big time by not including them!

These additions are often ignored because they are writing/editing heavy, and many professionals don’t have the time or writing charisma necessary to produce them well. If that’s you, don’t panic! That’s what ghostwriters (like me!) are for. Schedule a consultation with me here or shoot me an email at for a free look-over of your site/portfolio and consultation to go over what marketing techniques will benefit your outreach!

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